Ten Mile Creek
Double Rainbow
Wild Bergamot 062
Ten-Mile Creek
Grand Marquis: fuel efficiency
Poplar Bluff City Limit Sign_P1110669
D71_3367 E
Samuel Moncier - New Calf.jpg
Austin,Roscoe & Sasha
Filipino Chicken Curry at Exotic Grill, Poplar Bluff, Missouri.
20050817 10 Motor Harbor, Poplar Bluff, Missouri
#after #physicaltherapy still #smiling #0
#selfie before #physical #therapy #0 #walking #learning # healing #pesurvivor #dvtsurvivor
Today I learned a really good lrsson: #Morning #physicaltherapy is NOT my #favorite #rehab #physicalrehab #strength #muscles #injury
All done with physical therapy for today...how DARE they slip in another exercise when I was so close to perfect on the others as I've been home training...UHHHH.....
Not so sure about this....
What a sick twisted joke that maybe only I find the humor in the fact that Orthopedic and Pulmonolgy physician offices are at the last desk at the very back of the building...I'd laugh but I have no breath....lo