Views from 5 Mile Road #2

14 miles run....brutal!!!! The only thing to do once you make it to the top of the hill is to enjoy the view and forget the struggle going up, enjoy going down and forget the next uphill. Overall it has been a successful training day. #tomorrowisanotherda

Clermont - View Towards Orlando (2)

Clermont - View Towards Orlando


Citrus Tower

View from the New Library

The view at dinner.... Not too shabby! Hope the food is as good! @tina_marie127 ????

9-20-09: Evening Sky

Night Approaches

Backyard view

Surprisingly scenic view from McDonald's drive thru of Grassy Lake, Minneola Fla.

9-16-09: Another Sparkling Day

Surprisingly scenic view from McDonald's drive thru of Grassy Lake, Minneola Fla.

3-15-09: Discovery

Citrus Tower (Clermont, Florida) - Thursday October 30, 2014

Dock on Lake Felter

Citrus Tower (Clermont, Florida) - Thursday October 30, 2014

Citrus Tower (Clermont, Florida) - Thursday October 30, 2014

School uniform shopping with a view.

Citrus Tower (Clermont, Florida) - Thursday October 30, 2014

Morning mist - Color

Fisherman in a red canoe

Reeds at dawn

Grass, trees, lake, and sun

Paddle while the sun shines.

On the lookout

He thought the clouds were special that day

The tree on the hill at dawn

While kayaking on Lake Dixie

Lake Dixie shore

Morning mist - B&W

Cloudy in Clermont

Wildflowers and dewey grass at dawn

Nature's sculpture

Cypress dawn

Orange Grove Sunset


Clermont, Florida

Another Lone Cypress

Lake Louisa