the Red Knot Army

a Singing Pine

Seaside Sparrow

Menhaden Dinner...

White-faced Ibis

Rufa Red Knot

Can't Quite Agree

Red Knot

Before Dawn

Atlantic City

View from the Dock

100% Chance of Snow...

A Colorful Sanderling

A Two-Stepping Dunlin

Composite shot

a Snowy Stalker

Salt Marsh Heron

Sunrise through the 59th Street Pier... Ocean City, NJ...

Lazy Summer Days...

Patriotic Geep

ACNJ at night

Morning Has Broken....

Lilly in the Morning

Avalon, New-Jersey [Explored!]

Sunset in the Wetlands

Looking ahead...

Nelson's Sparrow

If Only

Old Acquintance

Crossing over

The rare double rainbow pano...

Just press play

Delaware Bay Marshes

Double Bow

lightning over Princeton Harbor

Beach Sunrise

The Contemplator

This chancy rendezvous

Least Sandpiper

Tuckahoe NJ