the Red Knot Army

100% Chance of Snow...

A Colorful Sanderling

a Singing Pine

A Two-Stepping Dunlin

A Magnificent Osprey Landing

Composite shot

Black Skimmer

a Snowy Stalker

Willet on the Wing

Pretty in Pink

Seaside Osprey

an Oystercatcher Sunset

White-faced Ibis

Rufa Red Knot

Surfside Plover

Sleepy Dunlin

Sunrise through the 59th Street Pier... Ocean City, NJ...

Sandblasted Sanderling

Lazy Summer Days...

Gaze of the Osprey

Morning Has Broken....

If Only

Lilly in the Morning

Old Acquintance

Crossing over

The rare double rainbow pano...

Salt Marsh Heron

Just press play

Perry (unbanded #4) 9/2/18

Double Bow

lightning over Princeton Harbor

Beach Sunrise

This chancy rendezvous

Least Sandpiper

a brand new day

Sea Isle City, NJ - 2913

End of Day

simplicity 1017

The flight of the day

Long days