Red Phalarope (Phalaropus fulicarius)
pyramid lake nevada
Palomino Valley Wild Horse and Burro Center (PVC)
Red Phalarope (Phalaropus fulicarius)
Burrowing Owl
Blockhouse Beach view of Anaho Island
Taking pictures...
The sun in Ha
Red Phalarope (Phalaropus fulicarius)
2012 Eclipse (14 of 45)
The sun in Ha
2012 Eclipse (10 of 45)
2012 Eclipse (15 of 45)
2012 Eclipse (9 of 45)
Pyramid Lake from Highway 445
The view from the site.
Wanderlust (Travels with Kahuna Harv)
Zooming by
Pyramid Lake pool
Pyramid Lake, Paiute Reservation, Nevada
Truckee River in Nixon
Pyramid Lake, Nevada (16)
Pyramid Lake Road , Nevada
S.R. 447 Between Wadsworth and Pyramid Lake, Nevada (3)
S.R. 447 Between Wadsworth and Pyramid Lake, Nevada (2)
S.R. 447 Between Wadsworth and Pyramid Lake, Nevada (4)
Pyramid Lake , Nevada
Pyramid Lake - Anaho Island
Super Moonrise Surprise
Pyramid Lake, Nevada (13)
Your guide for the day
Pyramid Lake , Nevada
Pyramid Lake, Nevada (10)
Pyramid Lake, Nevada (8)
Pyramid Lake, Nevada (17)
Pyramid Lake, Nevada (15)