Golubac Fortress - Serbia

Golubac Fortress - Serbia

Moldova Veche - View of Danube's shoreline at dawn

Great View

Deal Găbrăniţa

Meadows on the top

Gerník (Gîrnic/Gârnic); the first morning

Danube, Serbia, view from Golubac fortress

Path from Gerník to the Peter's mill

Meadows on the top

Danube river

Golubac fortress- Guardian of the Danube iron gate

Golubac Fortress

Golubac Fortress

Golubac Fortress

Golubac Fortress

Danube - Golubac Lake

Sailing on the Danube

Golubac Fortress

Ruins of Golubac Fortress

Golubac Fortress #5


B&W cloudy landscape

Golubac Fortress #9

Green hills

Orthodox church in the Iron Gates (1 of 4)

Tunnels at Golubac Fortress (3 of 3)