Bentley Crop Fields

River Whitewater

On Track to Lone Tree (Explored 09-06-2020)

Lakerama #9

Wood Duck

Bridge at Waverley Abbey Lake

Reed Bunting

Farm Track to the Sumit

Odiham Seat with a View....

First Flight Of The Day

Private Fishing

Across the Bridge.....

And to your right...

Farnham Castle Keep

Camberley 28 March 2020 066

Oh gee

Sunset at Fleet Pond (explored)

Basingstoke Canal.

Rural Idyll

The Morning Mist

apple and two oranges

Crop ready for Harvesting

Fields of Crops

Waverley Abbey Ruins

Lake near Waverley Abbey-F4230212

Walls of Farnham Castle Keep

Backyard sunset

Three Swans

Waverley Abbey

Juст sky

Waverley Abbey

Waverley Abbey Ruins

Cricket pitch sunset

Lightwater Country Park

Nearly full

Waiting -

Next years crops

Smiles from above

Ornamental Lake beside the grounds of Waverley Abbey

Just one more lakescape

Fuzzy memories