New Hampshire Fall Foliage viewed from Windsor, Vermont

The Cornish-Windsor Covered Bridge

early Autumn Ascutney

Jenne Farm dreams

Old South Church Cemetery

Mountain Rainbow

Winter view from Mt. Peg

The Summit

Fall Foliage in Cornish, NH

Vermont Autumn

Jenne Farm

American Morning

Here is another view of the same tree line of fall colors from Vermont in October 2016. It was one of those perfect fall days - cool air, bring sunshine, and beautiful colors! . . . . . # vermont #VT #vermontlife #vermontliving #igvermont #govermont #WeL

Mount Ascutney

Ascutney late afternoon

Piedmont Farm

[... jenne farm]

[... jenne farm]

Aspet House Rear View B& W

What I Saw From the Window

house on The Green, Woodstock VT

An Old Friend

Grandfather Maple Tree

Jenne Farm, VT.

Jenne Farm Wide Angle

Cornish-Windsor Bridge

Vermont Farmland

Late Autumn

Lincoln Covered Bridge

A Pond in Vermont

Vermont fall foliage lane

Vermont Barn

Feeling Spring