American Morning

[... jenne farm]

Vermont Autumn

hassy view

The Common Man Inn

The view from Brownsville Rock, Mt...

Pilings at the abandoned Norcross Quarry...

Spine of the Green Mountains

The Summit

BlackRiver, Weathersfield

2016 06-15 1240 VTR SD70M-2-432 S/B GMRC-263 Proctorsville, VT

The Cornish-Windsor Covered Bridge

Jenne Farm dreams

Old South Church Cemetery

Bridge Suite Morning View - Bottom Floor

The view from the St. Gaudens' House

Aspet House Rear View B& W

Mount Ascutney viewed from St. Gaudens

mountain view

A Particularly Red Common Redpoll

Reading Farms Panorama01

Jenne Farm

icy water under the covered bridge

Covered Bridge at Sunset

A Pond in Vermont

Sugar River Falls

An Old Friend

The Mystery of the Hearafter... beyond joy and pain

Cornish- Windsor Covered Wooden Bridge

Staghorn Sumac (Rhus typhina)

Cornish-Windsor Covered Wooden Bridge Built In 1866

Hello sun. I'm going to bed now.

Jenne Farm, VT.

Morning Sunlight at Jenne Farm

Jenne Farm Wide Angle

Jenne Farm

Cornish-Windsor Bridge

Waterfall at Monadnock Mill, Claremont, NH

Gorgeous afternoon

Jenne Farm - EXPLORED