Pear Orchards in Hood River, Oregon

Pacific Crest Falls, winter study

Columbia River View

In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years…

My view ain't bad today. Columbia River Gorge, I love you!

Sunset Erupts on Mt. Hood

At Hand

Hood River Valley Wildflower Vista

Into the dandy lion

Cabin Creek Falls

The view West

Hood River Sunrise

Hole-in-the-Wall Falls lower cascade start

Afterglow at Viento

A Gorge(ous) Sunset

Columbia River panorama from viewpoint on Starvation Creek Trail

Wind sports mecca, Hood River

Starvation Creek Waterfalls

Emerald Falls

Pear blossom time in the Hood River Valley

View from Mt. Defiance

7am At Tunnel 2

Emerald Falls

Recycling Winter's Snowpack......

Next Flush

Starvation Creek - Mini Waterfall

Unbelievably calm on the Columbia

Spirit Falls

Resting on the rocks

Prepare the Red Barn

Gorton's Caper

Starvation Creel Falls Detail, October 2013

The Blue White Salmon

Ruthan Point

January walls of The Gorge

Punch bowl Fall

easing of tempest

Starvation Creek