Pear Orchards in Hood River, Oregon

As the last light departs the day, tracks in Pine Grove point to Mt Adams

Columbia River View

In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years…

Sunset Erupts on Mt. Hood

Lenticular Carnival Thank You to my Flickr Community

Hood River Valley Wildflower Vista

Pear Blossoms

Tracks headed toward Mt Hood From Pine Grove pass by flowering pear groves

Spirit Falls Chaos

Hole-in-the-Wall Falls lower cascade start

Afterglow at Viento

A Gorge(ous) Sunset

Pear blossom time in the Hood River Valley

Gorton Creek, Study #2

Strawberry Mountain sunset

29 mph downhill 270 degree corkscrew

Lindsey Creek Falls

Cloud shadows and bear grass

Emerald Falls

My view ain't bad today. Columbia River Gorge, I love you!