745: Evergreen Autumn Leaves

840: Evergreen Lake Cabin

Mount Falcon Open Space area.jpg

792: Walking to Grandma's house...

848: Thumper, Still in Control

393: Christmas Eve Play

834: Skate the Lake - Evergreen CO

747: Thumper and Rascal

The view from the trailhead

746: Thumper Standing Proud

841: Thumper 2013

Stellker's Jay

676: Young Face

837: Thumper and I

846: Kendall and Thumper

789: Her new friend

838: Ice Sculpture of 2013

350: Slush Puppy

68: Moment of Ponder

333: First Snow with Thumper

Three Sisters Hike

Lake Summit

ansels aspens?

Pine Valley Ranch

Walking to the pin last week playing #discgolf in #colorado

Pine Valley Ranch

Pine Valley Ranch

Pine Valley Ranch

Pine Valley Ranch

The timberline

#scenesfromthetrail on my #morningrun at #BuffaloCreek yesterday. #altrarunning #skratchlabs @altrarunning @skratchlabs #trailrunning #trailtime #GetOutStayOut #ilovetrailrunning #outsideisfree #stravarun #runwithstrava #LittleScraggyTrail #runwhereyouroa

Mount Evans

15 Aug 2012 - Cabin (60)

Hiking/Dog Park

#scenesfromthesaddle at #BuffaloCreek today.... Ooof! I've got a long way to go! #leadmanwannabe2016 #trek @trekbikes @skratchlabs #skratchlabs #stravaride @stravacycling #mtb

Pine Valley Ranch

Staunton State Park

Cold Stream

The Ranch Below Mt Evans a1DSC_0166

20130616-reynolds park-0895

Windy Sisters