Hobbes & Starbucks Cutout

Montana Ballpark 3: Helena Brewers vs Ogden Raptors

Endangered Wetlands


The Stormy Sky Is Melting

Grain Mac

Saint Helena Cathedral and Mount Helena. Montana

House of the Treasure State

Overdone Wheat in Every Sense of the Word

Gates Fire Clouds in Crazy Color

Mother Nature mourns......

Hoop HDR

Orange & Black Of Mt. Helena

Millions Of Stormy Sunset Reflections

View Up to the Dome

Hobbes Nose on Ball HDR Cutout

MRL GP9 109

Beautiful sorrow.

Vans & Leaf Prints on the Sidewalk

Hockey Promos

Sarah Tyler Leaning In During Fireworks

Climbing up Mullan

Snow accumulation on the hills of Helena Montana


Austin Horseshoe

Climbing out of the storms

MRL 390 again

The Capitol in the Capital City. Helena,Montana

Up Mullan

So long, good friend!

Montana Daylight

First Light on Skyline Trestle

McDonald Pass Sunset

MPI on Mullan

Helena Helpers

MRL 4314, 4310, 4313 & 4305

Skyline, MT

Rolling Downhill

White Mullan

Back to the Old Number

Goodbye Helena