The White Domes on top of Canaan Mountain

Colorado City

Ted getting some exercise out in Arizona with a great view! . #toyphotography #toyartistry #toyslagram #stuckinplastic #toygroup_alliance #justanothertoygroup #joecowtoy #toptoyphotos #lego #minifiguresbigworld #legominifigures #toyslagram_lego #instalego

The view back

The White Domes on top of Canaan Mountain

The View From The Bottom

The Beehive

Along the Water Canyon Trail

Hiking Out Water Canyon

#dustytrail #hiking #landscape #hurricane #utah

Western U.S. Vacation 2010

Water Canyon - Arch 800 ft above us

Pink Sand

Looking to the exit

North from Elephant Butte

Doggy Paddle

Centennial Park Arizona

Cane Beds Arizona

Horses & Donkey Along Road

Colorado City, Arizona (8)

On the Edge of the World

S.R. 59 Between Hurricane and Hildale, Utah (7)

Somehow still smiling