Beer with a View
S Fork North Bosque River Legends golfcourse
This willow is weeping frozen tears. 7712
Greenhouse with peanut plants-preserving South American germ plasm 1244
Crow Opera House Looking Up, Stephenville, Texas
Most of you probably won't read all of this, but this is a picture is one to remember for me. It all started with my curiosity after seeing a greatly lit photo opportunity. Driving down W McNeil St in Stephenville, Tx, I saw in a sort of fenced off, not f
North Texas Landscape
Pauper Cemetery Stephenville Poor Farm
irrigation pond1
Good morning! Hope everyone has a great Sunday before going back to the weekly routine. #itsamazingoutthere #rainbow #lightrefraction #texas #sunset #cantbeatthem #countryside #cameroncookphotography