faded thought

Infinite Aspen

745: Evergreen Autumn Leaves

pine left

28: Thumper on a warm Saturday Afternoon

road to gold

no name

too young

840: Evergreen Lake Cabin

folding up reality

creek bend

filtered light

Aspen Trees

Golden Aspen Trees

792: Walking to Grandma's house...

848: Thumper, Still in Control

Green & Gold

72: T for ...

747: Thumper and Rascal

746: Thumper Standing Proud

Sometimes the views are nice.

Chicago rains

Carpet of Color

Colorado Rocky Mountains

Red Chairs in the Rockies

Evergreen, Colorado

The Grove

Clear Creek Canyon


Around the Bend

heading into the Rockies

#cme shuttle

Windy Sisters

Pursuit of Happiness


Clear Creek Canyon

Angled Rock