Burned Tree

uvas creek


Air Travel - the Curvature of the Earth

Shakuhachi utaguchi

South Santa Clara County Fire Dist Engine 2- Gilroy,CA

Canyon Wren

Air Travel - the Curvature of the Earth in 3D

Gavilan Hills

Old Oak Tree

Time will tell...

A Valley of Views

May 12, 2015 I stopped at a roadside fruit stand outside of #Gilroy #California and bought strawberries. This was the view over the fence. #TravelPicOfTheDay #shamrockelvisonthemove

Canyon Wren (Catherpes mexicanus)

Canyon Wren (Catherpes mexicanus)

The view from behind the wheel

From the Willow Springs Trail we overlooked much of our 8-mile loop

Hungry minds

2011-12-04 Morgan Hill, Henry W. Coe State Wilderness Park 050.jpg

View south from the Willow Springs trail

View Near My First Reading Spot

Rain, Rain, Go Away...

Two Trees

Uvas Reservoir Reflection


Fine Oak

Armageddon ....

Spring Silhouette

In The Park...

Time Of Rest...


In the secret garden

the twilight winter

Near Uvas Canyon, Overcast


Hills and Oaks

Black Thistle - 2012

Back to Work

Morgan Hill at dusk

Big Sur bound...