LIve Oak on Foggy Backlighting

Pas de deux

Full bloom

Lake's Edge at Sunrise

Bradford Lane

Foggy Mighty Quercus

All in One - The Village at Sandhill (fisheye)

Sunset view

2010 April 11 - A view of the flowers in the backyard of the Liebhard's home in Elgin, South Carolina

Memories of what once was

2010 April 11 - A view of the flowers in the backyard of the Liebhard's home in Elgin, South Carolina

Heavyladen Visitor

Red Bellied Woody

2010 April 11 - A view of the flowers in the backyard of the Liebhard's home in Elgin, South Carolina

CSX Intermodal in South Carolina

Optical Illusion? Or Not? Answer

October's Wet Mum

What a view

Lugoff Concrete Plant

Halloween 2009 #18

Water Lotus Bed

Compañía / Horizonte

Esperando la Tormenta

Spring Water

Here comes Peter Cottontail

Cool Title

Happiness is.....

Road to Butterfly Garden

Dawn of a New Era

Sunset 2 April 26th

Summit Sunrise

It's gonna be a bright, bright Sun-Shiny day

The Remains of the Day April 9th

August Sunrise

Fog on the Water f22.0

Ghosts of the Boardwalk

Variations on a Theme

Vertical Horizon

Autumn Leaves