Lake's Edge at Sunrise

LIve Oak on Foggy Backlighting

Foggy Mighty Quercus

Sunset view

Red Bellied Woody

Full bloom

on my hat

Memories of what once was

Bradford Lane

All in One - The Village at Sandhill (fisheye)

Pas de deux

2010 April 11 - A view of the flowers in the backyard of the Liebhard's home in Elgin, South Carolina

Heavyladen Visitor

Robert Mills's Courthouse, 1827

2010 April 11 - A view of the flowers in the backyard of the Liebhard's home in Elgin, South Carolina

Robert Mills's Courthouse, 1827

Optical Illusion? Or Not? Answer

October's Wet Mum

John and Sean

Lugoff Concrete Plant

excellent stuff

Happiness is.....

Dawn of a New Era

August Sunrise

Ghosts of the Boardwalk

Simply The Best

Lightning Struck

You are the sunshine of my life

Fog on the Water f22.0

Sunset 2 April 26th

Neblina, el gato.

It's gonna be a bright, bright Sun-Shiny day

Sunrise over the lilypads

The Remains of the Day April 9th

Here comes Peter Cottontail

Variations on a Theme

Vertical Horizon

Unmistakable Longleaf Pine Saplings

Which path?

There was a time.....

At Rest - Memorial Day 2011