Cornwall Furnace XII / Cedar Bluff, Alabama

Chair With A View, Oil Painting

Sketch_Alabama The Beautiful

Cornwall Furnace I / Cedar Bluff, Alabama

Winter Pool on Weiss Lake / December, 2015

A view out the Window at #SandRock... Grateful for a day outside... 2015-11-15 #365grateful #climbing #trad #optoutside #rocks #climbingrocks

Johnnies Creek Falls

Low Pool at Weiss Lake / Centre, AL - December 9, 2012

Weiss Lake Cove / Centre, AL

Yellow Creek Falls


Cornwall Furnace IV / Cedar Bluff, Alabama

Little River Canyon Mouth

Creek off Little River

Lake Front

Revisiting the Cove at Winter Pool II

Cornwall Furnace III / Cedar Bluff, Alabama

Waterfall Lake Weiss 080316 1

Waterfall Lake Weiss 080316 2

Waterfall Lake Weiss 080316 3

Waterfall Lake Weiss 080316 4


Autumn at Yellow Creek Falls on Weiss Lake
