Carbide Willson Ruins

Meech Creek Covered Bridge

Meech Lake

Chêne froissé ...

Dunlop Falls

Chaise avec vue ...


Canada's capital from Gatineau Park

Mellow Yellow Sunset from Champlain Lookout


Edgar Bellows ~ The Photogenic Frog


Champlain Lookout

The Ottawa Valley

Julie, Posing In Front Of The Carbide Wilson Ruin Falls.

Wetworks - Abandoned Ruins

View towards Ontario

Trunks and Leaves

Summer view.

Gatineau view.jpg

It's a long shot.


La rose noire/ The black rose

Un site attrayant du Parc de la Gatineau!.....

The Wilson Mill

Chutes Luskville Qc Ca

Is this considered inside or outside?

Meech Creek Covered Bridge

Liquid and Solid

Gendron Covered Bridge

View from the Champlain lookout over the Ottawa Valley

Covered bridge over Meech Creek, western Quebec

rustic hues of November

Chutes de Dunlop- Parc de la Gatineau