Meech Creek Covered Bridge

Atop Le Belvedère champlain

Dunlop Falls

The Gatineau Hills viewed from Le Belvedere in Wakefield, Quebec


Carbide Willson Ruins

Spring view of the Ottawa Valley from Gatineau Park

The Ghost of Mrs.Carbide Wilson

Meech Creek Covered Bridge

Gatineau Park-5

Carbide Wilson Ruin's Waterfall.

Edgar Bellows ~ The Photogenic Frog

Meech Lake

The “Carbide” Willson Ruins In Gatineau Park.

Cloud-Gasm, The Day The Clouds Were Talking To Me.

View from the Champlain lookout over the Ottawa Valley

Julie, Posing In Front Of The Carbide Wilson Ruin Falls.

Carbide Wilson Ruin's Waterfall.

Beautiful Julie, I Have Got My Own Snow White! Notice How Much The Red Pops.

My Beautiful Little Red Riding Hood! Notice Her Bright Blue Eyes

Mr. Ribbit

Dark-eyed junco / junco ardoisé /-dark-eyed junco

Clear as cristal

Nature is a gift..

Autumns Past

Meech Creek Covered Bridge


Gendron Covered Bridge

Summer Daze

Bruant à gorge blanche Juvénile / White-throated sparrow juvenile

Gatineau Park, Quebec

Just another sunset - Meech Lake, Quebec.

Ruby-throated Hummingbird (Record shot)

The Wilson Mill

* Tyran huppé juvénile / Great crested flycatcher

Enjoy family

*** Bruant familier / Chipping sparrow / juvenile

Cycling in Gatineau Park