Autumn Play

Salem Evangelical Lutheran of Scio Township

An Autumn Afternoon in Manchester, Michigan

The River Raisin | Manchester, Michigan

#30 Funny Farm Part 2 Bottom land view

Emmanuel steeple - Manchester

Cavanaugh Lake, Seen from Cavanaugh Lake Park, Chelsea Michigan, Photo by Wes

#44 Chelsea Milling Company, Jiffy Mix, A few of their various buildings, Photo by Wes

Cavanaugh Lake, Seen from Cavanaugh Lake Park, Chelsea Michigan, Photo by Wes

#44 Chelsea Milling Company, Jiffy Mix, The big silos, or elevator building,Viewed from the parking lot for the feed store, Photo by Wes

#44 Chelsea Milling Company, Jiffy Mix, The big silos, or elevator building, Photo by Wes

#44 Chelsea Milling Company, Jiffy Mix, Some of their various buildings, Photo by Wes

Cavanaugh Lake, Chelsea Michigan, Photo by Wes

Veteran's Memorial Park, Chelsea Michigan AKA The Boat Park

The view from the old cop-shop office to the where the old Chelsea Drug Store was located, Chelsea Michigan, Photo by Wes

George P. Glazier Memorial Building, Chelsea Michigan, The old Chelsea Savings Bank Building for many years, Photo by Wes

Glazier Stove Company Building, Chelsea Michigan, Built circa 1906, Photo by Wes

Veteran's Memorial Park, Chelsea Michigan AKA The Boat Park

dorsal view of Banded Pennant

McKune Memorial Public Library Chelsea Michigan, Viewed from the west, Photo by Wes

Veteran's Memorial Park, Chelsea Michigan AKA The Boat Park

Other side of Same barn as a couple of photos back

The Road to Summer

Gieske Farm - Michigan

Sandhill Cranes at Sharon Mills County Park - Trails at North Lot (Manchester, Michigan) - July 3, 2016

Sunglass sunset, Yep

The River Raisin in Manchester, Michigan

Frozen lake

Sunset in black and white

Michigan Farm

Sharon District No. 1

Hudson Mills Metropark golf course

#59 Cavanaugh Lake, Seen from Cavanaugh Lake Park, Chelsea Michigan, Photo by Wes

Ah the NORTH FORK MILL CREEK among its plants. Do you like mills.

The road to the Lake

August 1, 2017 Country Roads

Last Goodbye to summer

Collapsing Barn off Scio Church Rd. , Ann Arbor, MI

Resolution #2: Appreciate Mother Nature, every day