The wheels on the cart go round n' round...

Well ventilated

Time for some interior design...

View above the Paugan Dam in Low, Quebec

View atop the Paugan Dam in Low, Quebec

A frigid, cold day in the village of Kazabazua, Quebec

Pont Kelly - Low, Québec

Cousins chillin on the dock

Its A Sony


Low, Québec

Lac Philippe bridge

Low, Québec

Low, Québec

Low, Québec

Low, Québec

Low, Québec

Camera Roll-28

cottagers' cut 6765

Low, Québec

Low, Québec

Lac de Nino - 1743m

Sainte-Cécile-de-Masham, Qc

Camera Roll-40

Low, Québec

Camera Roll-32