Guiding Light

Scabster Harbour, Scrabster, Caithness, May 2018

Castlehill Harbour, near Castletown, August 2017

"Oh my god - it's full of stars"

Loch Full Of Stars

Moonlit Sea Stack

Competing Lights

Bright Night Shining Clouds

Balmy Noctilucent Nights

Castle of Mey, Scotland

Dunnet Head, Scotland

Caithness scenery

CAG Meets Steve

37420 Georgemas Junction 2H72 12th Mar 1987

Conjunction Over Thurso Castle

Castle of Mey, Scotland

A Timely Break in the Clouds

Aurora - Stunning Rayed Band

Midnight Blue

My sgian-dubh

Dunnet Head

Dunnet head lighthouse Scotland

Just before the Orkney Islands, Dunnet Head lighthouse, Scotland

dunnet head lighthouse I, scotland

The Hunt is Over

It Appiers!

Dunnet Head Lighthouse

Jurassic Perk

Been a While

The Red Sea

Peedie Beach Panorama

Midnight at Thurso.

Sunset, St John's Point, Caithness

Over the sea

A calm Loch Calder viewed from Tulloch of Assery.

Forgotten Time

Flagstone Rock, Highlands, Scotland.

Twilight at Dunnet Head

Light At The Edge Of The World

Clouds over Thurso, northern Scotland. UK.