Ritchie Wharf

Rigging Without A Ship

Sunset sur la Miramichi River

South Miramichi River, New Brunswick

20160627 Strawberry Marsh

DSC_0419 Miramichi

Little Southwest Miramichi River

Wedding photos - the ceremony

DSC_0416 Miramichi

Wedding photos - the ceremony

Little Southwest Miramichi River

Wedding photos - the ceremony

Painted Lady 20150727 Top of Tower Rd. Area (12)

Atlantis fritillary 20150727 Ski Club Trails (9)

Atlantis fritillary 20150727 Ski Club Trails (8)

Baltimore Checkerspot 201507010 Bryenton (17)

Red Admiral 20150726 Nelson Street Trail (15)

Black Swallowtail 20150726 Nelson Street Trail (19)

Atlantis and Great Spangled Fritillary 201507010 Bryenton

Black Swallowtail 20150726 Nelson Street Trail (20)

Tawny-edged Skipper 201507010 Enclosure, Miramichi (2)

Great Spangled Fritillary 20150710 Bryenton (29)