Carrizozo, NM 3269a

Carrizozo - Observation Post

The view to the east

The view to the west

Carrizozo, NM 3273a

Carrizozo, NM lava flow 3280a

Is the cruel & ancient lava gonna crush the vulnerable desert plant to death!

Carrizozo, NM 3270a

Carrizozo, NM 3293a

Pictures of fireworks!

Carrizozo, NM 3274a

Carrizozo, NM 3271a

Carrizozo, NM 3275a

Carrizozo, NM N4150a

Carrizozo, NM 3265a

Carrizozo, NM N4151a

Dum-de-dum, I am out for a stroll & whistling in the sunshine.

Carrizozo, NM 3266a

Carrizozo, NM 3267a

"Texaco Food Court Express" is covering up the desert.

The land is ruined!

Black Tsunami


Carrizozo - Valley of Fires

Carrizozo - Sea Of Lava

Carrizozo - Pacman Cactus

Carrizozo - Crucify me

Carrizozo - Roughness

Carrizozo - Lava Cracks

Carrizozo - Red Spines

Carrizozo - Mescalero Reservation

Carrizozo - Lava Wilderness

Carrizozo - Life on Lava

Carrizozo - Start of the Lava Trail

Carrizozo - Cane Cholla

Land of Enchantment

Carrizozo - Dry Grass

Valley of Fires

Carrizozo is the land for love, lava, and lima beans.