Eunica volumna (Blue Celled Purplewing) (B00177, EC00050B)

Put-in Rapid on the Piatua

Put-in Rapid on the Piatua

Headed Down the Piatua

Amazonas River Landscape Ecuador

Amazonas Paradise Landscape

Mágica Luz

Irma en la Cascada

Amazonas Landscape near Tena

Gamer Changer on the Piatua

Amazzonia ecuadoriana

Pitua Fun

Amazzonia ecuadoriana (2)

Discoteque on the Piatua

Jatunyacu River at the Put-in

Rapid on the Jatunyacu River

A Calm Section

Megi Enjoying the Jatunyacu

Parte sterrata verso Puerto Napo

Ecuador, Feb 2017, Pimpilala

Ecuador 2017

Ecuador 2017