Crybaby Bridge

Rose Hill Plantation

Piano Carriage

Rose Hill 3

Gist Family Cemetery

Rose Hill Kitchen

Rose Hill through the Main Gate

Rose Hill Kitchen

Rose Hill Plantation 2

Gist Grave

Gist Grave 2

Rose Hill Facade

Rose Hill through the Magnolias

Rose Hill Kitchen

Molly's Rock Road

The drive to Rose Hill Home

Country Road, Sumter National Forest, South Carolina

Chrysopsis mariana (Mariana goldenaster)

Brazelman's Bridge in sight

130825-4992 Rose Hill Plantation

Deeper Water

Enoree River

Paddling the Enoree

Liatris spicata (Dense blazing star)

Paddling on the Enorree

Dave at the Duncan Creek Confluence

Erechtites hieraciifolius (Fireweed)

Whitmire, South Carolina

Old and New Bridges

Sardis Road Bridge

Duncan Creek Confluence

Approaching the Whitemire Rail Trestle

Old Brazzleman's Bridge

Under the Whitmire Rail Trestle

Unusual river obstacle