Its a Bird? Its a Plane? Its a moon?

Walking in the ruins of the old cemetery at St Mary's Church in the village of Innishannon, Ireland

Cairéal Bhaile Shandair, Inis Eonáin, Contae Chorcaí

Walking on the old path

Frenzy Feasting

Take a step into history ...

Aerial view of the mini town

Windows 1240

Bandon Church


Bales Rolls on the Golden Fields at the Golden Hour

At the gate to Emerald Isle

Ruin On The River Bandon

6 months ....

Thank you for watching over me

Straight to haven ...

Coolmain Strand Groynes

Window view forever

kilcrea view

Kilcrea Friary

Harbour View Beach Cork

River Argideen at Timoleague

Timoleague Abbey

Howe Strand

Howe Strand

Going going ....

Picture 50 of a picture a day for a year.Kilcrea, County Cork

Forever has happened already

Lots of Steam and Smoke

blur sweetens everything

RNLI Courtmacsherry Lifeboat RNLB Frederick Storey Cockburn 14-07 Trent Class All Weather Liftboat ON1205

Lighthouse and train

Mini Kinsale

View from Councambeg

Timoleague Abbey in winter colours

Crossbarry Station.

Templebryan stone circle

Cold December Night - Clonakilty Ireland