Honeycomb Sunset

San Diego at Night

Full Moon over the Star of India

Surfs Up!!!!

Sea Shadows

Where there is Matter, there is Geometry.

As Above So Below

Gateway to Mission Valley

Brown Pelican ~~~

Our San Diego 2010 Commute

Close to the edge

Aloe Vista

Pacific Wave, La Jolla, California

Tunnel Vision

Sitting at the Top of The Bay :: HDR

The Antechamber of Time


Boulevard of Dreams (warning this photograph maybe hazardous to your health)!

Wave Watchers

View from San Diego Water Front park

Trade or Sell ...

La Jolla Sunset

The Potholes

Scripps Pier

C h a s m s

Moon Landing

Stormy Sunset La Jolla

Morning Commute

Inspiration Point

Stormy skies over Windansea beach

...find the bike

Blue Cove

Pacific Beach Pier, San Diego


La Jolla Shores

Luci sull'oceano

Wind and Sea Beach, La Jolla

Drop It And Run

Swirling Entropy