Jag...another view

Santa Barbara, CA

Stork Fairy

Santa Barbara, CA

Eye in the Sky

The Remaing Few

Storm Clouds over Goleta Pier

Another Angle On the Rainbow Gate

Drinking It In

The Mural Room

Distant Clouds

Ocean view

Clouds over Henley Gate, UCSB

old mission verandah...

Tejaswi & Priyanka

Who you calling bald!!!!!!!!!

Crimson Clouds

After Storm (Campus Point UCSB)

Shorebirds and seafoam at sunset

Freedom of Flight

Mission Santa Barbara – Hipstamatic Percolated

view to a "dreamy" sunrise...

(Orange) marmalade skies...

Santa Barbara Coils

Campus Point cauldron

The sky, the sea, the waves & the beach

Palm Tress at Dusk

Campus point

Lagoon Reflections

Goleta Beach Sunset

marina 5...

Palm Trees in the Sun

West Coast Sunset

Horizontals: Goleta pier

All Photos-2953

Horizontals: Seascape with trees

Sea, sand and waves

Butterfly Beach, CA



Santa Barbara Harbor