"Breakthrough" - National Churchill Museum in Fulton, Missouri

Spiral Staircase - Church of St. Mary, Aldermanbury - National Churchill Museum in Fulton, Missouri

Dedication of Berlin Wall Sculpture, Westminster College (MSA)

Mikhail Gorbachev End of Cold War Speech at Westminster College (MSA)

Fulton Missouri, Callaway County MO

Jeff City

Camera Roll-672

Max and Christie

It's flat out here...

Church of St. Mary Aldermanbury at the National Churchill Museum in Fulton, MO_20151216_121729

Plaque at National Churchill Museum in Fulton, MO_20151216_123003c2

Windows on Church of St. Mary Aldermanbury in Fulton, MO_IMG_9165c

Section of the Berlin Wall included in "Breakthrough" Sculpture at National Churchill Museum in Fulton MO_IMG_9191

Church of St. Mary Aldermanbury at the National Churchill Museum in Fulton, MO_IMG_9259

Historic Gymnasium at Westminster College in Fulton, MO_IMG_9338

Captain James Callaway Memorial - Fulton, MO_IMG_9131

Historic Downtown Brick District - Fulton, MO_IMG_9132

Callaway County Courthouse - Fulton, MO_IMG_9124

Happy Birthday

morning wildflowers

Black Eyed Susans

Paper Cars Advertising Ridesharing at Westminster College

A Braille Learning Cube

Shirt with "Hope" and the NEDA Symbol on a clothesline

2015 0921 Missouri FFM 2

2015 0921 Missouri FFM 4

2015 0921 Missouri FFM 5

2015 0921 Missouri FFM 6

Whats hiding?

Carnegie Library (Fulton, Missouri)