"Breakthrough" - National Churchill Museum in Fulton, Missouri

Spiral Staircase - Church of St. Mary, Aldermanbury - National Churchill Museum in Fulton, Missouri

Dedication of Berlin Wall Sculpture, Westminster College (MSA)

Mikhail Gorbachev End of Cold War Speech at Westminster College (MSA)

Jeff City

Camera Roll-672

Max and Christie

It's flat out here...

Fulton Missouri, Callaway County MO

Paper Cars Advertising Ridesharing at Westminster College

A Braille Learning Cube

Shirt with "Hope" and the NEDA Symbol on a clothesline

Church of St. Mary Aldermanbury at the National Churchill Museum in Fulton, MO_20151216_121729

Plaque at National Churchill Museum in Fulton, MO_20151216_123003c2

Windows on Church of St. Mary Aldermanbury in Fulton, MO_IMG_9165c

Section of the Berlin Wall included in "Breakthrough" Sculpture at National Churchill Museum in Fulton MO_IMG_9191

Church of St. Mary Aldermanbury at the National Churchill Museum in Fulton, MO_IMG_9259

Historic Gymnasium at Westminster College in Fulton, MO_IMG_9338

Captain James Callaway Memorial - Fulton, MO_IMG_9131

Historic Downtown Brick District - Fulton, MO_IMG_9132

Callaway County Courthouse - Fulton, MO_IMG_9124

2015 0921 Missouri FFM 2

2015 0921 Missouri FFM 4

2015 0921 Missouri FFM 5

2015 0921 Missouri FFM 6

Whats hiding?

Carnegie Library (Fulton, Missouri)

Dairy Farm

White Out

Dairy Farm