Sea Shadows

Brown Pelican ~~~

20071212 060

Downtown San Diego Skyline from Bay View Park in Coronado or why there is a Home Depot in Heaven

San Diego Bay Viewed from Point Loma

Before Sunset [HDR]

America's Finest City

On Display


2015 - San Diego - Humming at Point Loma

Golden View

San Diego Skyline II

Reptile 2

Variegated Machine

Sunset Cliffs Sea Cave, San Diego

Rough Surf at Twilight under the Imperial Beach Pier

The New Flickr Format Sucks! Is this a Sign of Things to Come?

Calm Before The Storm

Bon Voyage


T h e P r e v a i l i n g W i n d s

Sunset at Imperial Beach

Sunset OB Green

Sunset Looking North Up the Coast Toward, You Know, Del Mar or Solano Beach or One of Those

El Capitan Reflection

California Sunset

Sunbeams & Flare

Sitting at the Top of The Bay :: HDR

Luci sull'oceano

Mossy Sunset in OB

Concretions at Sunset Cliffs

Evening Downtown

Please Don't Cut This Tree Down

Point Break

Is it possible to #love the #beach too much? #ocean


14 (with the jack)

Sunset Cliffs

"The End of Storm"

Pacific Beach

San Diego Coast

Approaching Storm