Murfreesboro - Old Moonshine Trading Post

Murfreesboro - Pike County Court House

Murfreesboro - Hotel Ireland

Murfreesboro - Minerals & Stones

Murfreesboro - New Moonshine Trading Post

Murfreesboro - Diamond Mines Sign

At 111 degrees the water felt nice - View down the river

Another view

Murfreesboro - Come Back Later

Lake view of Narrows dam

Murfreesboro - Motorcrafts & Antiques

Murfreesboro - Happy Newyear ! ! !

Murfreesboro - Handdipped Icecream

Murfreesboro - Southern Specialities

Murfreesboro - Seven Trees

Murfreesboro - 1000 Year Old Indian Village

Murfreesboro - Somebody Else's Treasures

Murfreesboro - ABC Block Co

Murfreesboro - Sharp Edges

Murfreesboro - Hawkins Furniture Store

Clark County Barn

Mt. Moriah - Little Missouri River Bank

Mt. Moriah - Reflection

Mt. Moriah - Do we Need to get our Feet wet ?

Mt. Moriah - Riverbank

Mt. Moriah - Mini River

Mt. Moriah - In The Woods

Hackberry Emperor (Asterocampa celtis)

Little Missouri River ( AR)

Cutover Clouds

Swimming area. The poles will tell you how deep it is.

Arkansas Diamonds

Swift current at the bottom of the dam

Little Missouri River

See, no people!!! Actually we saw one boat coming in.

Narrows Dam from Lake Greeson

Opted for the swimsuit and took a dip