Fayette County, TN Courthouse - Somerville, TN

Foggy Morning Down the Road

Sunset in the Front Yard

Winter Afternoon

Sunrise in the Cemetery

Who's going to TOC and bringing stuff to trade or sell? And thought I'd show a pic of my 2015 Silverado

Late Afternoon in Late Fall

W.C. Crawford General Store - Williston, TN

St Thomas Episcopal Church - Somerville, TN

Just Like the Old Days

NS Train's i3N & i07

I need lbn gold Rulons size 8.5-9.5

For sale Size 9.5-10. $150 PayPal

Size 8.5 very lbn. NFS/T

Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore. the Abby Saga continues..... stay ...... tuned ...... ......

Bring me yellow inflicts size 9. Got trades or cash. Kolats are sold btw

Bring me yellow inflicts size 9. Got trades or cash. Kolats are sold btw

Oakland Presbyterian Church - Oakland, TN

Someone buys these!!! I will let them go for cheap! Size 9

A 1936 Ford V8

Somerville, TN Post Office 38086