Thurmond Barn #2

G&O 6005 - 9552

Hugh Chatham Memorial Bridge, Yadkin River

Seg6-Lg4-Jason Taylor-Perfect Day for a Hike

Raffaldini View

Raffaldini View

Raffaldini View

#tbt to the gorgeous views of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Asheville, NC. @raffaldinivineyard

Scenic View

angel porch 2

Holga: Trail

James Lloyd West, (1855-1940) Home Place, Wilkes County, Walter Sidden

Walter Sidden, James Lloyd West, (1855-1940) Home Place, Wilkes County

Tharpe's Mill, 1914, Burcham Milling Co, Wilkes County, Big Bugaboo Creek

Tharpe's Mill, 1914, Burcham Milling Co, Wilkes County, Big Bugaboo Creek

Kapps Mill, Mitchell River, Dobson NC, Surry County

Tharpe's Mill, 1914, Burcham Milling Co, Wilkes County, Big Bugaboo Creek

Kapps Mill, Mitchell River, Dobson NC, Surry County

Tharpe's Mill, 1914, Burcham Milling Co, Wilkes County, Big Bugaboo Creek

Raffaldini Vines Again

Tharpe's Mill, 1914, Burcham Milling Co, Wilkes County, Big Bugaboo Creek

Kapps Mill, Mitchell River, Dobson NC, Surry County

Old Tobacco Barns, Surry County

Reflections, Big Elkin Creek, Greenway, Elkin NC, Surry County

Elkin & Alleghany Railroad, Big Elkin Creek, Greenway, Elkin NC, Elkin Park

Holga: Volkswagen

Elkin River, Reflections, Big Elkin Creek, Elkin NC

Kapps Mill, Mitchell River, Dobson NC, Surry County

Big Elkin Creek, Second Dam, Elkin Valley Mills, Chatham Mfg Co, Elkin NC

Yadkin River, Yadkin County, Surry County

Elkin & Alleghany Railroad, Big Elkin Creek, Greenway, Elkin NC, Elkin Park