'African Eyes'

Sunrise in Dar es Salaam

As yet unidentified bird

Blessings to all mankind

beach & books

this beach, the flowers, the longs; compliment each other #bikini #hefemi

#kunduchi at #daressalaam

Beautiful scenery, gorgeous day; #witcheslair #DaresSalaam #Tanzania

#discover255 #hefemi #mbudya route

Cotton Stainer Bug

Cotton Stainer

20160723 White Sands

Relax.. At the beach.. A walk, not a race. Sand between my toes and the sun on my face. #beach #sand #ocean #walk #footprints #rocks #horizon #sea #water

Is it Friday yet? No? Okay let's chill out till then! #sea #ocean #water #peer #sun #beach #symmetry #horizon #blue #blueskies #boardwalk
