Cabin in the Woods

Still Growing...

Kylie - Portrait //

Murray's Mill

Indian Summer

Murray's Mill Farmhouse

Bunker Hill Covered Bridge

Murray's Mill

Wife and I - Self Portrait

The Bridge

Jessica and Maddie

Murray Mill Water Wheel 85/365

Kylie - Portrait //

Straight Ahead

Kylie - Portrait //

I had the opportunity and honor of having this view this evening...first time in ~3 yrs. #thankful #audienceofone

My office from a different view. #technology #tech #catawbacounty

Lauryn - Portrait //

The Guiding Light


Bunker Hill Covered Bridge

Watching the world go by.

Murray's Mill

Retired Huey

Lake Norman.

Bunker Hill Covered Bridge 2

I wish you were here.

We fished (attempted to) and grilled out at this lake

Nothing like a freshly cut yard. #itsaguything

Nothing like a freshly cut yard. #itsaguything

Bunker Hill Covered Bridge 3

Lake Norman

One of the coves in the park.

Opposite side of the cove.

Sunset at the Scrap Pile

Lake Norman

Lookout Dam in Catawba, NC #flood #ncwx #nc #catawbacounty

Tonight's Sunset in Newton, NC

Catawba County Sunset