Misty Field 2

The Road to Oz

"Last Light" - Topsham, Maine, USA

River 8_28_09

Misty Field 1

View towards Cristina Bridge from Harpswell.

Iron Flower

Super Moonshine: #13

Side View

Orchard Hill, West Bath

Early morning view from the kayak

That Cooler tho

Contrasting Architects

Storm Rolling In

Ice Fishing Village

Where are you sleeping tonight? Cause this is the view from our tent.

Ice Shack Tilt Shift

Overall View

April Ice Receding, West Bath

Schooner Wyoming

Abandoned in Maine

Fresh Lobster

Mornin' cows

DSC07654 Maine Winter Morning

Schoodic Peninsula

Mountainous clouds

Gun Point Cove - Maine

Pre-Dawn Glimmer

Quiet Railroad Tracks

in search of the miraculous DSC_0206_2356

wharton point

Clouds and River

#simpsonspoint #Maine #seaweed

Autumn Day October 2013 Panoramic Edit

Summer Fades Away


Simpsons Point (1 of 1)
