Kalamazoo Nature Center ~ HFF!

"The means by which we live have outdistanced the ends for which we live. Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men."

"The secret to living contently and sanely in this modern world is to... find the beautiful in the ugly - but don't get confused which is which."

Topless Bar: "Angels Gentlemen's Club."

Community Presbyterian Church

The American View

Genesis and Type-Gs

When justice and mercy prevail, children may safely play

GR&I Station in Kalamazoo: 4

Frog's-eye view of the bridge at Milham Park

Since you've been gone

All Quiet at BO Tower

Kalamazoo Skyline

View Down Michigan Avenue

Basketball Hoop

Amtrak 351

BO Tower in Kalamazoo MI

Circle K - Lovell Street

The View

Wonders Never Will Cease


The end of inauguration day

A dramatic interpretation of my walk on Friday

Hogset Lake

Fall comes

Time to head back to the car

Milham Park, first day of fall, 2016

Bass Lake

Kalamazoo Nature Center ~ Kalamazoo River

Portage Creek in Milham Park - infrared

Portage Creek in Central Park

15 Seconds of Milham Park

Sunday Snow

The Bar Code of Asylum Lake Preserve

The Powerline Trail

Trees dance when they think that no one is watching

Kalamazoo, Michigan

Al Sabo Preserve, Kalamazoo, Michigan

Don't ever look back good days ahead

Stone Totems

"Of course there's a lot of knowledge in universities: the freshmen bring a little in; the seniors don't take much away, so knowledge sort of accumulates.”

Summer of 08