The Bluff

Set yourself free

Same log, different view.

Now Relax...

Found a one-star hotel

The beginning (passing by)

Cloud Bank

Good To Be Alive...

Take A Breath

What I Love

An Experience...

Boney Trees

The view

A Beautiful Day...

Paul and Susan, Dungeness Spit

A macabre find.....

Long Dead

Out Of The Grass

Nom nom nom

Dungeness spit from miles away

Moss and Rain

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Lone Cedar, Olympic Penninsula, 2011

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Lost in a Lavender Sea

Master of the domain

Gray Wolf River Enchanted

Sequim Bay, Wa

New Year's Moon

Gray Wolf River Moss Everywhere

Purple Haze

Heading back.

Olympic Mountains

Scenic Shopping

Idea Place, Sequim, Washington, 2011

#lost #hiking

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Gray Wolf River Mossy Bed