Returning the Empties

Richmond Bridge

Sulphur-crested Cockatoo (Cacatua galerita galerita)

Lost in Art

Paper Train at Campania

Running short of light -Shortest day of the Year

Trains In Tasmania - 2011 Climbing up to Rogerville on No 64

Trains In Tasmania - 2012 at Lowdina

Unlimited Visibility | Berriedale, Tasmania

Gunners Quoin views towards Bridgewater

Sulphur-crested Cockatoo (Cacatua galerita galerita)

Noisy Miner (Manorina melanocephala leachi)

Eastern Rosella (Platycercus eximius diemenensis)

View from cafe

MONA Museum

MONA architecture

View from Austins Ferry

Trains In Tasmania - 2100 sweeps Around Beedhams Bay, Claremont

Cloaca Professional by Wim Delvoye

How's my side view?

View from MONA

Ballast Nearing Brighton

2011 + 2006 climbing into Brighton Hub on an empty ballast today.

certainty [explore #10 12/05/2015]

Trains In Tasmania - 2117 Tea Tree on No 43

The Fog Moves In - Derwent River, Bridgewater

Looking out over Elwick Bay #1, Glenorchy

Cadbury Aerial Pano

Trains In Tasmania - 2009 Passing Goulds Lagoon

Trains In Tasmania - 2053 near Tea Tree

2006 + 2011 on Ballast at Brighton

I have fallen in love with the state of #Tasmania... I hope I get a lot of opportunities to wander it and explore... #taspaines #latergram #australia #iphoneonly

Trains In Tasmania - 2100 Climbs Out of Brighton

Evening Clouds #1, Geilston Bay

Trains In Tasmania - 2020 near Campania on No 31

MT Wellington and Rainbow

Trains In Tasmania - TR16 + TR14 Tea Tree

Trains In Tasmania - TR11 + TR01 - Nearing Brighton Hub

Wine and trains