A Train In The Landscape - Derwent Valley

View of Hobart from Mt.Wellington

Hobart In Lights

Trains In Tasmania - TR02 + TR03 Train 2-32 Bridgewater Junction.

Running short of light -Shortest day of the Year

Brighton Hub ( An Aerial View)

_20A2173 Tasman Bridge

Franklin River Mist ...

_20A2150 Mountain View

For a minute there, I lost myself

Dancing on the ceiling? ** Explored **

Hobart, Tasmania Australia

Common Brushtail Possum (Trichosurus vulpecula)

The WHALER ** Explored **

Bark-gnawing beetle

_20A2181 Hobart from above

Returning the Empties

Mount Wellington - Tasmania

Mid March 2005 - Late afternoon Panorama of Hobart from Mt Wellington, Tasmania, Australia

Be brave enough to live life creatively. The creative place where no one else has ever been. (Alan Alda)

Sulphur-crested Cockatoo (Cacatua galerita galerita)

in the flow of secrets

without trepidation

the bird and the mountain

stay with me a while

2011 + 2006 climbing into Brighton Hub on an empty ballast today.

Trains In Tasmania - TR09 With a Short Log Train

Trains In Tasmania - TR11 + TR01 - Nearing Brighton Hub

stay with me a while

TR06 + TR14 Rogerville

2006 + 2011 on Ballast at Brighton

Trains In Tasmania TR05 + TR13 Departing Brighton Hub

Port of Hobart / Порт Хобарт, Тасмания /explore-2020-06-03

Trains In Tasmania -TR10 Passes Botanical Gardens

reaching out

View from Above

Tasmania / Тасмания

Trains In Tasmania - TR16 + TR14 Tea Tree

Tasman Bridge / Мост Тасман-Бридж