SP 3739 West at Antelope, CA

New Year 2020 - Sacramento, CA

Sutter's Fort Poppy

West Sac

JennyJoyce _1077

Blue on Blue


Steam Power

Cactus Flower

Sacramento at Night

Sacramento at Night

Naomikens - Grace under Pressure

Flamingo Dancers

Sacramento at Night

the road not taken

Suburban Pastoral

Side Yard

"Hiking" through some redwoods

Choices 0487

DSC_0030_Female valley carpenter bee

American River

American River - Sacramento

Happy New Year!

Private Property


Sacramento, CA - Railyards

corn in the moonlight

Landscape with an Archer

Back to the First

Euphorbia characias wulfenii 4002

Gregory Porter TudioJepegii

Manitou Springs With Pike's Peak In The Distance

DSC_0040_Mountain carpenter bee nectar-robbing on salvia

The Sacramento River (HSS)