Striped Light

beautiful view

Diacrisia II

Ematurga atomaria / Heidekrautspanner

a bloom for two

Dolerus spec. II

Maulbronn monastery church interior

Lazy Sunday !! :)


old habit

Reclaimed by nature...

Maulbronn panorama

leafless but not lifeless

Eucera nigrescens

Mystic forest sunset...

Polyommatus icarus / Hauhechel-Bläuling II

Maulbronn Germany

Im Klosterhof angekommen

golden rain

Blue Time or "Come back!"

Explored, Jun 04, 2014, #275 - Rose mit Morgentau / Rose with Morning Dew

rapeseed and the tree

aufwärts #2

There are billions of colors and each is a unique kind of red.

Before the rain

AKW Phillipsburg

Moos / Moss

the blossoming tree

when time flies

Weingartener Moor


A dreamy poppy

Feld nach Regen

the old shack

Kürnbach Schloßwiesensee

Drei Bäume im Getreidefeld vor Wolkenhimmel

a storm is brewing ...

Panorama Rhine Plain from Michaelsberg

Orchis purpurea / Purpur-Knabenkraut