Fringed Phacelia

The Cowee Mountains.

View in the evening!

Cemetary View

male Maevia sp (F Salticidae)

Inside a house.

Driving thru the Smokey Mountains, what a view!

Fire Pink

Mountain Waters Scenic Byway, Between Franklin and Highlands, North Carolina

Mountain Waters Scenic Byway, Between Franklin and Highlands, North Carolina

Mountain Waters Scenic Byway, Between Franklin and Highlands, North Carolina

Yearbook photo of David Sedaris, Western Carolina University, 1976

Mountain Waters Scenic Byway, Between Franklin and Highlands, North Carolina

Mountain Waters Scenic Byway, Between Franklin and Highlands, North Carolina

Mountain Waters Scenic Byway, Between Franklin and Highlands, North Carolina

Mountain Waters Scenic Byway, Between Franklin and Highlands, North Carolina

Cullasaja Falls - Highlands, North Carolina.

1974 Western Carolina University Yearbook Cover

Cowee Bald Fire Tower - North Carolina

Cullasaja Falls, Redux

Leafhopper, Graphocephala sp (F Cicadellidae)

North Carolina Highlands NC Autumn River Gorge

Dark Tranquility

The Curve

Cullasaja Falls

Quarry Falls

Cullasaja Falls

Upper Cullasaja Falls

bird-like fossil

Smoky Mountains

Quarry Falls

0697 Cullasaja Img_6027

Appalachian Sunrise


Man vs Wild

Fields of Gold | Franklin, NC

Another sunset from my deck

Cullasaja falls

Wild Flower & Spec 046

Sunset from my deck

Cullowhee Dam, Tuckasegee River, Jackson County