This view in #Boulder will never cease to amaze me. #colorado

Moon Slippers

Springtime in the Rockies

After the storm

Into the Mountains

Colorado Milky Way Rising

Boulder, CO

Sea Of Lights

Peaceful Flow

Morning Light on Indian Peaks

Starry Night on a Mountain Road by Canon EOS 6D

Looking Across Hillside After Hillside in Colorado

Waning Gibbous Moon Boulder Colorado Flatirons Early Morning Light

778: Stay Away!

cliff fog

Looking Up the South St Vrain Canyon

780: Little Red Riding Hood - Tame or be Tamed

774: Little Red Ridding Hood's fateful walk through the woods to deliver food to her sick grandmother...

View from Royal Arch

"may your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. may your mountains rise into and above the clouds." —edward abbey _ chautauqua park, boulder, colorado. march 2017.

Watch the world go by...


It sure LOOKS like it should be raining

North Saint Vrain

Red Rock Trail

Autumn cascade

Sunbeams >

Crescent coal

A Golden Shimmer

SP in the snow

South Boulder Creek running high

Growing out of rock

embrace the light… ⛰???????? #winter #climbing #trailrunning #scrunbling #flatirons

Beach Park

Entering the Plains

Evening at the amphitheater on Flagstaff mountain. #whyiride

Season of transition


Autumn Field

Sky on fire above river of gold