190 ton truck tire. boron, ca. 2006.

motel. boron, ca. 2006.

borax capital of the world. boron, ca. 2011.

restaurant. kramer junction, ca. 2012.

budget inn motel. boron, ca. 2011.

car wash. boron, ca. 2011.

the astro-burger. kramer junction, ca. 2012.

boron motel. boron, ca. 2011.

conex container. boron, ca. 2006.

BNSF 9112 Westbound from Boron

Road Hog

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So long Chip (or was it Dale?)

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Kramer Junction Solar array (3215)

A View of Kramer's Junction

Kramer CA, View

Sunset Somewhere in California

K&L Family Dining

abandoned gas station. north edwards, ca. 2014.

abandoned gas station 360. north edwards, ca. 2014.

sunset at the stoplight. kramer junction, ca. 2014.

xpro. north edwards, ca. 2014.

borax open pit mine. boron, ca. 2006.

holga, abandoned service station. north edwards, ca. 2011.

Kramer Junction Antiques

infrared gas station. north edwards, ca. 2014.

abandoned service station. north edwards, ca. 2011.

Gephart After the Fire No 1

Kramer Junction, CA Astro Burger

California - Desert

road to/from Boron

Mojave Desert Sunset

A Doppler radar site

2009-08-28 09.16.38

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